Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Happy 1st Birthday Caleb!

That's right! As hard as it is to believe it's already been a year... we celebrated Caleb's 1st birthday on August 9th at the beach in Mexcio Beach, Florida. John's sister got married there that day, so that's really why we were there, but we took full advantage and celebrated his birthday before the wedding festivities began.

Our fun-filled weekend started when we arrived on Thursday and Caleb's feet had their 1st sand and ocean water experience! He LOVED it, so that was exciting for us!

Friday we did a beach day (in between naps of course) and Caleb loved playing on the beach and crawling in the sand and in the water.

Saturday morning Caleb had a birthday breakfast overlooking the water from the hotel room (how fancy - right) :) Every time the seagulls flew by he cracked up laughing! Then we took him down for a walk on the beach while daddy fished in the ocean (and only caught a jelly fish)! After his morning nap the festivites began & we headed down to the pool for his cake celebration. Grammy & Pop (John's mom & dad), Grammy Peggy (John's stepmom) and Aunt Betty (John's Aunt) all met us and helped us sing to Caleb. He was so excited & absolutely loved the cake (not a surprise b/c there's not much he won't eat). I finally had to pull it away because he probably would have eaten the whole thing. After that Caleb had a few gifts to open & he loved playing with his new toys. Daddy and him jumped in the pool for a quick rinse off of the lingering icing & then we headed back to the room for his afternoon nap. Surprisingly, after all that excitement and sugar, Caleb took a 3+ hour nap and him and John were almost late for the wedding!

The wedding went off a little late, but was beautiful. The ceremony was incredible set-up right at the water. Once it was over, we tried to get as many photos in as we could w/ the beautiful sunset. Caleb was definitely on edge as he hadn't eaten dinner yet, so he wasn't up for giving out too many smiles at that point.

All in all we had a great time celebrating our son's first birthday! It's amazing to think that he's only been in our lives for only a year, but at the same time it feels like we've always known him... I truly don't know what I would do without him. He has taught John and I so much, and I know we have just scratched the surface on what's yet to come. Being a parent has definitely become the hardest thing I have ever done, but the most amazing and rewarding all at the same time. You just can't help but thank God for him everytime you see his little face!

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