Friday, July 11, 2008

Such a Busy Boy...

It's amazing how each stage of their life, these little ones just become more & more fun. It makes me so excited for the next phase, but I have to tell myself just to enjoy the moment & not try to look ahead!

Caleb had a very eventful 1st July 4th holiday! We kicked off the holiday on Thursday watching the Cumming fireworks from the deck at Giorgios. They started at 9:30 & Caleb was still going strong! He actually watched the fireworks and gave us a few "ohhhh's"! (One of his favorite expressions) Aunt Shelley and Grandpa had just flown in town so Caleb was excited to see them, and Scott and Valera came up, so it was a big family affair.

Early the next morning we got packed up & headed up to Cincinnati to visit family. Caleb actually did well in the 7 or so hour car ride. We stopped once for lunch & he did great! While there we decided to take Caleb on his 1st trip to the zoo! He loved the animals - couldn't figure out the monkeys one bit though! They were so LOUD & were swinging all around - Caleb had a permanent puzzled look on his face. We saw some really neat animals, but overall, anything with water or a waterfall made his day - that's all he cared about! :)

We left Ohio early Sunday morning & made it home in good time. Then Monday we took Caleb on his 1st boat trip on Lake Lanier! The kid has a serious obsession with wheels, so as soon as we got in & he saw the steering wheel he was in heaven! We drove over to Cocktail cove and Caleb had his 1st swimming experience in the lake as well! He loved kicking & spashing in the water with daddy. Then we headed to have dinner on the lake. It was a fun evening!

In the mix of all of these "firsts" for Caleb, he's finally figured out how to crawl up the stairs as fast as possible laughing the whole way as you chase him. He definitely hasn't figured out how to crawl down, so we're working on that. At the same time, I was amazed to look in his mouth and see the 3 & 4 teeth on the top completely through his gums. He'd been acting like something was going on, but they came through so quick. Now we have teething symptoms in full-force so I have a feeling that 3 & 4 on the bottom are working their way up. It never ends! He's also eating just about everything that we are & he does really well with it. Choking has always been a fear of mine, but he's so good with everything, it makes me much more comfortable. There's not much the boy won't eat...but I guess that's a good thing.

I'll be sure to post again soon... we have a family trip to Maine later this month & then Aunt Angela's wedding in early August, so we should have some good pictures to post. In addition to all of that... we're quickly approaching the BIG 1 YEAR BIRTHDAY! I can't believe it! So I'll be sure to keep this updated!

1 comment:

Grant and Sarah Schmeelk said...

I can't wait to have my family blog....yay! I love him so much and he is the cutest kid ever...seriously....ever! I already miss him, so hurry up and come home from Maine.