Saturday, June 28, 2008

Overdue Update...

It's been way to long since my last update... I don't know where the time has gone! Things are great, just super busy I guess between work during the week & functions on weekend. Since my last post on Mother's Day, John and I both turned 30 - WOW! It's amazing to say that! We had a big bash at our house to ring in the big 3 - 0! John also celebrated his 1st Father's Day, which got off to a rough start since we partied hard in Athens the night before for our friend's Michaela & Keith's wedding. It was an awesome time & Shelley and her boyfriend Ryan even made the trip in town.

But enough about us, Caleb is growing & changing more and more daily. He's a stinker that's for sure, but a fun one! :) His top 2 teeth are finally coming down & I'm hoping we have some time before our next round of teething begins, but who knows. He's still crawling & pulling up on everything. In the past few weeks he's also started showing us his climbing skills, which makes me think we'll have trouble on our hands once he's walking! Just in the pas week he's REALLY close to standing by himself. He's so strong & solid, it's just a matter of him gaining the courage that he can stay there without support.

He's also becoming more & more vocal. Of course most of it is his own language, but we do get the occasional "mama" "dada" and "baba"... he also knows what all of those mean. He's also really picking up on what we say, so we're really trying to emphasize words he needs to know like "more", "outside" and "night night" (that's a good one!).

Here are some pics I took of him last weekend. During "daddy day" (monday's when John watches him) Caleb and daddy went to walmart and bought a really cool Frog pool w/ a little fountain. Caleb likes it for the most part as long as the water isn't too cold. Then, last Saturday we went to his friend Pierce's house for some more outside fun. He played in Pierce's half sand half water table that he LOVES & actually got into the sand for the first time, which I think he had no idea what to do with! Finally, Grandma and Grandpa took a trip to Toys R Us & found something Caleb couldn't live without! A BIG BLUE CAR! He has an extreme attraction to anything with wheels on it (most of our toys with wheels are consistently turned upsidedown, or on their side, because all he wants it so spin the wheels). Anyway, he's pretty much addicted to this car now & whenever he sees it he's not happy unless he's in it & we're pushing him. Really fun right now with our 90 + degree weather. As long as he's happy... right!

We hope everyone has a wonderful and safe 4th of July! I'll post again after that weekend!

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