Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!!!

My 1st Mother's Day was very nice... but it also was a weird feeling being celebrated for something that all my life has been my mom's day! I guess I'll get used to it someday!

It was a nice day because my dad was in town, and Scott and Valera came up from Buckhead and we all headed up to Dahlonega for lunch on the square. The weather was beautiful & Caleb was very well behaved, so it made for a great day! After lunch we went back to my parents house for some yummy dessert and more playtime with Caleb.

That playtime turned tragic when Caleb took a stumble out the back door onto their back deck. It was less than a foot, but he just happened to land right on his upper lip! Thank goodness his top teeth aren't in yet because they may have gone right through the skin! He was definitely scared and hurt (we saw blood), which made us all very sad. He had a little bit of a fat lip & now it's scabbed over. I was standing right there, but it happened too quick for me to do anything about it! His first true boo-boo! He's such a sport though, he was distracted in no time! He's tough like his mom - haha! :)

I hope all my wonderful mommy friends had a wonderful day & were celebrated for how truly amazing you all are!!!

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