Monday, May 12, 2008

Such a busy boy!

Caleb turned 9 months old on Friday. WOW! I really feel that overnight he is becoming less and less of a baby and more a little boy. In his doctor's visit last week he weighed 22lbs. 4oz. which still puts him in the 75% for weight and height, and 50% for head. The doctor was very pleased about his size as well as his development. When he had him stand up he said "wow, I think he'll be walking before our 12 month visit"... yikes!

Caleb's been busy since my last post. He is SO much fun and he is ON THE MOVE! He's been crawling and pulling up on everything for about 2+ weeks now. We really haven't done too much baby-proofing yet. He's having fun exploring everything & for now we're trying to teach him where he can and can't play (but we'll see how long that lasts... at least 5 or 10 times a day he races to Tuker's water bowl and the fireplace as fast as he can. Most of the time when we say his name to stop him, he looks at us and laughs and keeps going, but sometimes he does stop and turnaround). Just in the past week his new favorite trick is to stand up on our bath tub and turn the water on and laugh. He'll stand there for 20 minutes and crank it on and off if we let him!

His 2 bottom teeth are in and visible. This picture is the best I could do to get a shot of them. The top ones we can see, but they just haven't broken through the gums yet. Hopefully it will be soon!
He's definitely making a lot more sounds & putting things together. He's very good with "dada" and I've heard "mamama" a lot and "mama" a few times, but he has very selective memory when it comes to saying them again. Some days that's all he says, and then we won't hear it for a few days, then it comes out again. Mostly he just looks at us and laughs when we say it!

A big highlight to his week is when he can ride the lawn mower with daddy! He maybe was a little scared of the noise & vibrating stearing wheel at first, but now he loves it! All he wants to do is keep his hands on the wheel!

We also went to one of his friend's first birthday parties. Little Pierce Profeta turned 1 the beginning of May and Caleb had quite a time at the party. So much so that he refused to go down for a nap that afternoon (fun fun!). So while the birthday boy took his nap, Caleb and Reese Nixon played outside with Pierce's new toys! They had a blast playing at this outside activity table that is half sand and half water. We may have to get one now!

Finally, I couldn't resist taking some shots of Caleb's first discovery of the fridge! We went to the grocery store and while I was unloading everything, he crawled up to the fridge and dug in! He was so into it... I crack up every time I see these pictures!

I'll post our 1st mothers day pictures tomorrow!!!

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