Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Quick 8 month update

Caleb has officially started crawling! Well, it's only on his hands & knees for about 3 steps and then he drops to his belly & does this "army crawl" thing. Every day he starts to pick up more speed though! Besides that, he's been pulling himself up on his toys & he just thinks that is the greatest thing in the world. He's loved to stand since he was 3 months old, but now that he's able to pull himself up he's just beside himself. He hasn't done it yet in his crib or on furniture, but I'm sure that won't be far behind.

Thank goodness the weather has finally warmed up, because he loves to be outside (so much so that he cries when we go inside & shut the door). Anything outside can keep him occupied... people doing yard work, neighbor kids running around, a walk in the stroller... whatever. I ended up going to Target a little over a week ago to buy him a baseball hat (which surprisingly he doesn't pull off) and some little crocks so he can run around in his walker and not tear up his socks on the cement. He just has the best time!

Aside from all of that, here are some cute pics of him with Grandpa... who he enjoys visiting on the weekends when he's in town. The two have formed quite a bond!

Also, I took Caleb to get some Easter / 7 month pictures taken about a month ago (YES - with LIVE bunny's). I'm still working on scanning the proofs, but here are 2 of my favorites.

We have Caleb's 9 month Doctor's visit the 1st week of May, so I'll update then, unless something comes up in the meantime.

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