Monday, March 24, 2008

Here Comes Peter Cotton Tale...

Caleb's 1st Easter was a busy one! His morning nap was longer than expected causing us to miss church, however the nap was much needed for the day we were about to have!

He first found what the Easter Bunny had left him at home and immediately dug right in! He got lots of books, a Pooh DVD (his favorite), some golf clubs and a little 3-wheeler. I think he liked the grass in the basket the best though! He also got a swing that we hung up under the deck in the back yard. He LOVES it! (Thank you Grandma Peggy for the Toys R Us Gift Card!)

Once we got ourselves together, we headed to Grammie and Pop's house for their Easter lunch (John's family). To Caleb's surprise he had more gifts from the Easter Bunny at their house! His cousins Steven and Eric helped him check out all his new stuff... especially a laptop like daddy's! Auntie also joined in and helped take Caleb on his first egg hunt... which of course went right into his mouth! Look out Steven & Eric, Caleb will be ready next year! Caleb did a great job for a first-timer, but I think he enjoyed biting the eggs & watching the boys run around better.

After an exhausting lunch, Caleb was ready for a nap so it was a perfect time for a car-ride to Grandma and Grandpa's house where Grandma had prepared a yummy early dinner for us and Unlce Scott and Miss Valera. Amazingly enough, the Easter Bunny stopped there for Caleb as well! What a lucky boy! It didn't matter what was inside, all Caleb needed was the blue wrapping around the basket & he was one happy baby! He got some cool swim outfits & floaties for the summer time... check out these flashy sunglasses! And once again... he can't resist the grass inside! Such a silly little guy!

Needless to say, Mommy and Daddy were quite warn out when it was all said & done. But you really can't beat a day of awesome weather, great food & all your family around. Caleb's first Easter, and our first with him was priceless! Thank you God for such an amazing gift!

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