Saturday, November 24, 2007

Why we are THANKFUL...

This year definitely brought a whole new perspective to the meaning of Thanksgiving. Our lives are truly blessed with Caleb in them, and we thank God for such a perfect gift!

As for the festivities, we had 2 days of Thanksgiving! On Thursday, we had John's family over to our house for a day full of eating, playing games and watching football! Caleb had a fun time playing with his cousins Steven and Eric who love to hold him.

On Friday we went to Grandma and Grandpa's house (my parents) for another yummy feast. Caleb played while we ate, and then chatted it up with Uncle Scott and Valera. We ended the night with some yummy dessert while we all cheered as Arkansas beat LSU... meaning the buckeyes are that much closer to another National Chamionship game!

Caleb was great through both days & now we are that much more excited for this Christmas season!


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Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness he is so very adorable, I just can hardly believe that he has grown so much....