Sunday, August 5, 2007

40 Weeks, And still counting...

Well here we are! The due date has come & gone, and still no little Cook to report! (This child is already starting out taking after his/her father in tardiness!) Everything looks great thus far, we're just waiting. If we make it to Wednesday we'll have to go in for an Ultra Sound where they'll check my fluid levels & the size of the baby (right now they're saying about 8lbs.). Then I'll have to go back again on Friday. If there's still no action, they may have to induce me early the following week. I'm hoping it doesn't get to that point, so come Wednesday I may be trying every old wives tale in the book to help bring on labor!
I do have a 40 week picture to post. My belly is definitely one big baby & is surely dropping more and more every day.
I'm still working, but from home, so at least I don't have to fight traffic everyday & wonder if my water will break at any minute in the office!
Hopefully we'll be in touch within days & finally have some baby pictures to post! Love to you all & thanks so much for all of the support! We're so excited to bring our little one into such a loving group of family & friends!

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