Saturday, August 11, 2007

IT'S A BOY!!!!!

Finally... after 40 weeks and 6 days, we were blessed with a healthy baby boy, Caleb Ryan Cook on Thursday 8/9 at 3:59 pm. He weighed in at 8lbs. and 20 inches long.

To make a long story short, we went to the Doctor on Wednesday for an Ultra Sound so they could check my fluid levels, the baby's size, etc. since I was past my due date. The Ultra Sound estimated the size of the baby to be approximately 9lbs. 6oz. WOW! We were shocked to hear that & the Doctor's then basically told us if we wanted a shot at a natural delivery, we would have to head to the hospital immediately & induce labor. The induction process started about 8:00am on Thursday and when things didn't progress well, we were forced to delivery him via c-section. The overall process didn't go exactly the way we had planned, but in the end we're happy to have our healthy son with us!

Because of the c-section we had to stay in the hospital a little longer, but we should be settled in at home tonight! (Sunday). The past few days have really been amazing and it's been so much fun showing him off to all of our family and friends that have come to visit us. The general verdict is that he looks like a good combination of both John and I. We all think he definitely has my nose, but the rest of his features lean towards John. His skin has got great coloring & is darker like both of us & he definitely has dark brown eyes & lots of dark brown/black hair!

I am including some of the pictures that we have so far, but there should be plenty more to come over the next week once we're home & more settled.

Thanks again to everyone for all of the special thoughts & prayers! John and I are absolutely in love with our little boy and we can't wait for everyone to meet him!

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