Wednesday, April 25, 2007

25 Weeks and Counting...

So we've made it to 25 weeks, and have about 15 or so to go! It's so crazy how fast the time has gone! So far things have been pretty easy & I really can't complain about much. It's just fun to finally watch my belly grow! Speaking of which, here is my 25 week baby belly picture. It's amazing to see how things have changed in just 5 weeks since my 20 week picture! The baby is moving around like crazy, and John's actually gotten to feel it a few times now.
Everything was great during my last doctor's apt., so there is nothing to report there. After we left the doctor's office, we went to a furniture store and ordered all the baby furniture. That was exciting and a relief to have it done. It should arrive in about 8 weeks so that means now we have to get to painting the room!
After that, we headed to Babies R Us to register for most of what we'll need. That was definitely exhausting! I thought I was organized enough ahead of time to make it easy, but nothing is easy in that store! I also registered at Target just to give people an option & the links are to the right on this page!
Not much else is new these days. Check back in about 4 weeks for the next update! It will be here before I know it!

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