Tuesday, May 22, 2007

3rd Trimester, Here we come...

Hello again! The past 4 weeks have flown by & I'm amazed to know that we're already in the 3rd trimester! Where does the time go? All went well with the 28 week Doctor's Appointment; we heard another healthy heartbeat & then I got a shot :( of antibodies since my blood type is negative. (They do that in case John & the baby are positive and our blood types mix during delivery). So all is well!
Here is the much awaited Baby Belly picture at about 29 weeks. Not much different looking than my 25 week picture, although I feel much bigger! I'm still carrying it in a little ball in the front which is funny to me!
The baby is very active & moves all the time. John's not only able to feel the kicks but see them now as my whole belly moves - which is so funny to see! For some reason the baby likes my right side around my ribs. There is a body part consistently resting there, but I can't quite figure out if it's a head or a butt or something of that sort! It definitely makes me laugh & is a constant reminder that someone is in there!
I should have an update in the next 2 weeks after my first baby shower! I'm very excited about that & I'll be sure to post lots of photos of it! Shortly after that our furniture should be in for the room, so I'll definitely post pics of that as well. Until next time!!!

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