Monday, April 16, 2007

It's been a while...

Since it's been a while, here's a quick catch-up: On March 16th we had our 20 week appointment and 1st look at the baby! It was absolutely amazing! Everything measured out perfectly healthy and on track (the brain, organs, arms, legs, head, etc.). The total measurements incidate the baby is growing about 6 days behind my due date, which would put it around August 10th, but they said it's not enough to change my due date yet.
As for the heart, we heard a little hicup in the heart beat, so I had to go in for a 2nd ultra sound on the following Monday. After many prayers, I was completely relieved to know that the hicup was not there anymore! The heart looks, sounds and measures completely healthy so we're on the right track! (And I got to see the baby again & get more pictures).
My 20 week belly was noticable to me, but not too many others saw anything. Here's a picture so you can see for yourself.
Our 24 week apt. is this Friday so I'll post that picture so you can see what a difference 5 weeks makes!

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