Saturday, January 9, 2010

Christmas 2009

Merry Christmas!!! We had a very busy December, as usual, but all fun stuff! We kicked off the Holiday festivities with Caleb's school program. The 2-year olds were angels and sang a few Christmas songs & then sat with us as the older kids did their part, followed by a party in his classroom. He did well, but didn't really sing too much, even though that's all he does at home!
I can't remember if I announced our new addition yet... we welcomed another black lab, Bailey to our family in November. She's ALL puppy, and we really love having a dog in the house again!
The weekend before Christmas we headed over to see the Christmas lights at Lake Lanier Islands. It was CRAZY cold! We made a quick lap around "Santa's workshop" and Caleb had to ride the train, but then it was back to the warm car!
Two nights before Santa came, Caleb and his buddies made him some cookies. It was a mess, but so much fun at the same time. They actually tasted really good, but I think the kiddos ate more icing than anything! ;)
Finally the EVENT began. Christmas Eve morning we took Caleb to see Santa. He did really well & had no problem telling Santa that all he wanted was a "garbage truck". We attended an afternoon church service & then it was off to John's parents for his family Christmas. I think Caleb was still sort of unsure about what all was going on, but he slowly figured it out once the presents started coming out! We had a great visit there, and Caleb, along with his cousins got all kinds of fun toys. Once Caleb opened up a garbage truck from Grammie & Pop we never heard from him again. The kid is nuts for garbage trucks!!!
Once we got home, we picked out 2 cookies for Santa, poured him a glass of milk & set out some carrots and celery for the reindeer. Caleb thought that was a hoot & was kind of shocked at the idea that Santa was really coming! We read him "The night before Christmas" and then put him to bed. The fun part for us was then "playing" santa!!
About 7:30 Christmas morning I walked Caleb downstairs to see what Santa left... he was SO excited! We had such a good time opening gifts... and Caleb now had 2 garbage trucks!
Soon the play time was over & we were back in the car headed to my parents house for brunch, presents, naps & our annual crab-leg dinner. After a quick rest from dinner, we kicked off our 1st ever "Proctor pie-off"... it was pretty fun. My mom, Valera, Shelley and myself had all made a different pie the day before, and the boys were supposed to judge a winner. I don't know that one was named, because they were all good... it was just something fun & different to do... as if we needed more food! (And by the way Caleb left their house with his 3rd garbage truck!)
All in all we had a fabulous Christmas Holiday! Caleb was constantly in awe of all the decorations everywhere - we are still trying to explain to him why they are gone! I still need to get him on video singing his favorite Christmas songs... so that will be another post. We are so blessed for such an amazing season! Seeing it all through the eyes of a 2 year old makes it so special all over again!

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