Friday, September 18, 2009

HOLY COW... Where did the summer go?!?!

I CANNOT believe my last post was on June 1st, and it's now September 18th!!! Where the heck did the last 3.5 months go?!?! I can't believe I've neglected my blog this long! This post would obviously be WAY to long if I went into detail on everything we've done in the past few months... so here are the highlights...

JULY: WE DID IT! The Proctor Family (including John and Ryan) ran The Peachtree on July 4th! I was super proud of myself for running the whole thing without year I just need to work on improving my time! Once we were done we all showered & hoped in the car & headed to Charleston for a week of R&R at the beach. My parents rented an awesome beach house with a pool on the Isle of was perfect for us & Caleb. He had a blast at the ocean!

AUGUST: BIRTHDAY BOY!!! Caleb turned 2 on August 9th! And what a hoot he was! We had a John Deere tractor party because the boy is obsessed with tractors! He also LOVES to sing "happy birthday" and blow out the candle, so he was a trip when it was time for that. Video: He got some great birthday presents... Most importantly, his OWN John Deere tractor from Papa and Grandma! No joke... he drives the tractor every morning & just about every night until the battery dies! He is very serious & thinks he's really cutting the grass like daddy! Grandma and Papa were also extra generous and bought Caleb a playground for the backyard. He LOVES it as well!

*2 Year Doctor Visit* - Caleb is a very healthy & happy 2 year old according to Dr. Penny (who Caleb LOVES) He weighed 32lbs and was 35" tall (I think)... he's still 75 - 90% for height and weight!

SEPTEMBER: GO BUCKEYES!!! Yeah for fall football season! The whole Proctor clan headed up to Columbus last weekend for the Ohio State vs. USC game. We had such a great time catching up with old friends, family & partying on game day. Caleb was such a trouper & did amazingly well throughout tailgating & at the game. He sat with John, Shelley & I the whole game & never once fussed or got antsy! (We're talking about an 8pm game time)... he was still going strong at midnight! We were all so proud of him & happy we all got to experience that as a family together... although we were heartbroken by the loss in the final minute...but that's life when you're a football fan!

Caleb started "Pre-three's" preschool at the church last week. He goes M/W/F and is liking it. It's so cute b/c it's really like "real school" learning shapes, colors, songs & all that good stuff. I will admit I got a little teary-eyed when I dropped him off on the first day and he walked in holding his teacher's hand with his bookbag on. I saw the next 16 years flash before my eyes & me leaving him at college! ;(

Here are some videos from sometime in July. He talks from the moment he wakes up in the morning to the moment he goes to sleep...I try to get as much as I can on video because he constantly cracks us up!

I promise it won't be another 3 months before my next post!!!

1 comment:

Grant and Sarah Schmeelk said...

It's about time....I have been meaning to get on to you about that...haha! Braylen and and I just got done watchiing the videos and we laughed out loud at Caleb feeding the camera the meatball...thinking it was Papa...haah!