Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Gobble, Gobble, Gobble...

We hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday! We definitely enjoyed spending time with family and non-stop yummy food! Although Caleb can't say the same about the food... the kid has to be one of the pickiest eaters on the planet, and the surprising part is that he wasn't that way the first 12 months of his life! He didn't really enjoy much about the Thanksgiving meals we shared, but he loved the company. We spent Thursday at John's parents house for lunch. The weather was so nice that the kids were all able to enjoy the afternoon outside playing ball!

On Friday we ate turkey dinner with my family, and then loaded everyone in the car and headed to Lake Lanier Islands to take Caleb through their festival of lights. It was actually pretty good, but Mr. busy boy wasn't much into it after the first 15 minutes or so. At the end of the tour we stopped to see Santa, roast marshmellows, and ride all the fun carnival rides. Uncle Scott got volunteered to ride the train with Caleb. I think he actually looks more excited about it than Caleb does! ;) I rode the merry-go-round with him, and he was very upset when the ride was over. Finally, and quickly approaching bedtime, Caleb hopped on one last motorcycle ride. He literally looked like he was going to fall asleep the more he went around!

This will also be my 15-month update... 11/9 was Caleb's 15 month birthday! WOW! It's amazing how time flies! Everything checked out very well at the doctor's office. Caleb weighed in at 24lbs 11oz and 31"tall... which still keeps him in the 75% for both! Developmentally, he's pretty ahead of the milestones they look for, which is great to hear! He got the dreaded MMR shot which we hear so many negative things about, but it all turned out fine.

As for everything he can do today...he definitely keeps us pretty entertained. He LOVES to play the piano, which he randomly runs up to and pounds on. As usual, he is addicted to being outside, which is wonderful except for all these COLD days we've been having! He loves the refridgerator (still), and wants to climb in it, or take things out of the door everytime he sees it open. He is not just saying words anymore, but actually applies them... like yelling "Tuk" and pointing to Tuker everytime he sees her. He also shouts "cookie" and runs to where we keep the dog treats (whether it be our house, my mom's or John's mom's), he's got that trick down. He's also very good at saying "please" (or some version of that) when he wants something. And he knows that the fireplace is "hot" and reminds us that quite often! The latest & greatest is his version of "what santa says", I'll have to catch it on video and post it. He loves his toy "tractors" and "trucks", and is constantly starring at the sky looking for birds & airplanes. He's a true boy!

Can you belive this guy 12 months ago... it hardly seems possible!!!...

1 comment:

Grant and Sarah Schmeelk said...

The ride with caleb and uncle scott is hilarious.......scott looks so funny being the big!!!!