Wednesday, October 1, 2008

"Toddler Update"

Since my last post, Caleb has officially become a "toddler"... which is SO weird to say!!! He started walking 5 days after his 1st birthday and he has changed SO much every day since! It's amazing how every new day can bring so much more fun to our lives!

Just a quick update on what's been going on with us... Caleb started "play school" at the Cumming First United Methodist Church on September 2nd. He goes Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays from 9 - 1:00. I'd definitely say the first few weeks were quite an adjustment. He had a rough first week because he was used to taking at least an hour nap every morning, but they don't do naps at playschool! Then week 2 he came down with some sort of funk (of course being around so many kids) which transitioned into an ear infection, constant running nose, bad cough, etc. etc. He finally kicked it about a week ago, so last week was pretty smooth sailing. His separation anxiety is in full-force, but besides that I think we're all getting used to our new schedule!

Caleb has really started becomming more aware of what we are saying to him & is trying to talk back. You have to do some major guessing, but to date we think he can say (besides mama and dada) banana, up, yeah, birdie, please, pop (John's dad) and I think that might be all. Trying to get him to say new words is so much fun!

Since he's everywhere (walking and pretty much running all around the house), the boy who was obsessed with food the first year of his life & would eat anything, has now become one of the most picky eaters! Lunch and dinner prove to be quite a battle because he'd rather be down running around & just snack here & there... I guess he's all boy!

Here are some recent pictures of him before we headed to church on Sunday morning over the weekend. He looks like such a little boy! We're headed to the Cumming Fair in the next week or so, and I'll try to post some pics of that next week.

1 comment:

Grant and Sarah Schmeelk said...

What a stud...the outfit is adorable just like him