Wednesday, March 19, 2008

7 Month Update

Here's a quick update on our little 7 month old! Caleb is so much fun, but more than anything it's truly amazing to watch him develop and learn new things. He's not crawling yet, but we're getting closer and closer daily. He's really good at going from a sitting position to all 4's and then rocking a little bit. In the end though, he still favors standing and loves to walk if you hold his hands, so once he does start to crawl, we'll see how long it takes him to figure out how to walk! He's even starting to pull himself up on things!

As far as tricks go, he loves to play peak-a-boo, or see you surprise him when you walk into the room and I got some great pictures of him laughing at me doing this the other day. (Notice the drool... still NO teeth!)

Then I took a few quick shots of bath time. He LOVES to play in the bathtub! I wonder if that's a sign of what's to come this summer once he's introduced to the swimming pool!... could have a little fish on our hands!

His latest & greatest facination is paper... anything paper! I can't open the mail or anything like that around him without him obsessing about how to get his hands on it, and of course it eventually ends up in his mouth! John was reading the paper on Sunday and Caleb was sitting with him and decided to help him read the store adds as well. It definitely keeps him occupied though!

The last few pictures I wanted to share are of Caleb "wrestling" with daddy. This is their daily playtime routine...of which daddy thinks will help mold Caleb into a "tough guy".

I got Caleb's 7 month / Easter pictures taken yesterday. As soon as I get them scanned I'll post them, plus I'll have a post with lots of pictures of Caleb's first Easter, so check back next week for sure! Happy Easter!

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