Thursday, February 14, 2008

Our Little Valentine!

This is our 1st Valentine's Day with Caleb in our lives & I can't even put into words how much love he has brought us. It's simply amazing and every day that passes we find ourselves loving him more - if that's even possible!

Since my last post, Caleb had his first play date where he could actually play! We had some people over for the superbowl and since he's sitting up so well now, he was actually able to sit on the floor and play with his toys - along with his friends Pierce Profeta and Reese Nixon. It was really fun watching them all look at each other! Caleb LOVES his walker we have in our basement (he literally runs in it). Pierce (9 mos) has just started walking behind things so they had a blast walking around the basement with Caleb in the walker & Pierce behind him. Too cute!

I also took Caleb for his 6 month check up on Tuesday. Yes - 6 months already! He is a HEALTHY 19lbs. 7oz. which puts him at 75% for weight. He is also 75% for height and 50% for head size. With all of that, it definitely sounds like he's taking after his daddy! He still has no teeth although he chews and drools like a mad man - so I'm thinking that will happen sooner rather than later. As far as tricks go, he's getting very good at holding small objects in his hands, and he's starting to lean forward on his hands when he sits - like he's going to get on all 4's, but he hasn't quite figured out how to get there yet. He's quite the chatter box too... when he starts "talking" we mimic the sounds he makes and we end up having this baby conversation with him for 5 or 10 minutes at a time. It's hilarious! In the end, his favorite time of day is anytime we lay him down & take off his socks & clothes so he can play with his feet. I don't know what it is, but the kid is so happy when he's wearing nothing but a diaper. Look out!

Thank you all for keeping up with the blog & checking in on Caleb! I get so happy when I hear people say how much they enjoy it! I sure have fun with it!

I hope you all have a very Happy Valentine's Day!

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