Monday, June 11, 2007

The 1st Baby Shower!

On Saturday, June 2nd I had our 1st Baby Shower! It was a perfect day from the hosts (my friend Stacey and her mom) to the food (and desserts), to the friends, to the gifts, I couldn't have asked for a better event!

As if this big belly isn't reminder enough, seeing baby gear and toys all around the house definitely makes things that much more real to us now!

We definitely can't ask for better or more generous family and friends than what we have today! All of the love and support we have been given so far is just amazing, and it truly makes us happy to know that we are bringing this little one into such an environment! We are grateful!

Not much else is new since the last update - except our childbirth class! We took an 8 hour class this past Saturday to learn all the fun details of the labor & delivery process. It was good learning for both of us, but we'll see how much we remember when the time comes! I also did get some good massages out of it, so I can't complain! :)

I'll send an update again next week after my 32 week apt, and another belly picture! :)

1 comment:

Grant and Sarah Schmeelk said...

YAY!!! 1 and 1/2 months till we meet baby Caleb..haha! I can't wait and I know you guys can't either. I look forward to the shower next weekend, it should be a great time and I know it will help will all the new baby collections....yeah! Have a great week!