Friday, August 24, 2007

2 Weeks Old...

It's hard to believe that Caleb's been in our lives for 2 whole weeks already! He is such a joy and blessing to have in our home. We're still taking things day by day figuring him out. It's really amazing how much he eats and sleeps! He does have about 2 or 3 "awake" times throughout the day where he's alert & looking around. That is so much fun! He just started looking as if he's smiling too (not just gas smiles) - he'll be alert and listening to the sounds of our voices and he'll put up what looks like a smile. It's too cute! We can't wait until there are many more of those!

So far we've made it to the grocery store for a few quick things & to the pediatrician's office twice. He's back up to his birth weight & everything else looks good to... he's a happy and healthy boy!
Here are some good shots of his first real bath. He loves it... much better than the sponge baths we were giving him!

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